Peyton, Kye, and Takela joined their good friend Chloe on a beautiful spring afternoon and shared some quality time at Chloe’s Garden.? Together they planted a tulip tree in honor of Chloe’s mom at the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center.?…
Every April Kye, AKA Jake the Dog, takes to the garden at the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center to help recognize Child Abuse Awareness Month.? Ms Janice and many of the wonderful child advocates in Garland County gather in support…
Jake the Dog (Kye Masino of KYE-YAC) always loves to entertain and inform young children about the very important and specific ways to stay safe and healthy.? The Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center’s Janice McCutcheon joined KYE-YAC and Hot Springs…
When KYE-YAC received a call from Janice McCutcheon, director of the Child Advocacy Center, asking the all-youth board to raise money to provide some children in crisis with clothing and supplies for the new school year – the KYE-YAC kids…
KYE-YAC International donates to Mercy Health Foundation?on behalf of Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center HOT SPRINGS, Ark. – Locally based KYE-YAC International Inc., a philanthropic organization established by kids to help kids, has donated $1,000 to the St. Joseph’s Mercy…