The KYE-YAC board met with the Hot Springs Family YMCA to continue a long-standing and successful collaboration that benefits kids and the community. The Y and KYE-YAC agree that all children deserve the chance to succeed in life and should be given every opportunity to discover their full potential.
That is why this summer KYE-YAC will sponsor the YMCA’s Summer Learning Loss Prevention Program that works with students to increase their reading skills over the summer months. Each young student will read over 50 books, write over 30 pages and master at least 30 new site words! The children will enter the program almost a full grade level behind in school, but they leave the program with an average 85% increase in literacy ability on test scores.
Each week the KYE-YAC board members will have an opportunity to interact with the kids and mentor them through STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) projects. All of the KY kids are really looking forward to mentoring the young students and hope to mentor them all year long.