Kye Masino was honored as Outstanding Youth Fundraiser by the Association of Fundraising Professionals and featured in the November 2010 issue of Inviting Arkansas.? Read the full article below:
Kye Masino’s passion for helping others first showed itself when he was only 6 years old, asking his mother if he could read stories to children at Catherine’s House, a shelter for women and children.? At 7, he became a Big Brother.? By 10, he had established his own 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, KYE-YAC International, a fundraising organization run by kids for kids, encouraging others to give their piggybank money to those in need.? With its first annual goal to raise $10,000 for Arkansas Children’s Hospital achieved, to say that Kye is driven seems a bit of an understatment.? Now 12 years old, Kye is an old pro at fundraising, and yet, his story is just beginning.
Q:? You were 6 years old when you began volunteering.? What or who sparked this passion for volunteerism?
A:? Actually as far back as I can remember my family has been very giving.? My grandmother, I believe, recognized and fostered very early in my life the light and desire I carry within to give and care about others.
Q:? What inspired the idea for KYE-YAC?? Did you have help from others?
A:? Throughout my life, a concept like KYE-YAC was evolving.? By age 9, I was able to verbalize and formulate the purpose of my foundation.? It began to manifest from what was dwelling inside me into what it has now become.? KYE-YAC is a foundation with a strong board and group of kid volunteers with a mission to simply find ways to endure the chance of a good life for as many kids as possible.? Children are brought into all kinds of life situations.? I consider myself fortunate for being in a position to find other kids like me who want to make a difference.? If inspiration is considered as a form of help, then the answer is absolutely yes.? My parents, grandparents and some very close friends inspire me through their unconditional love, kindness, and support.
Q:? At the end of KYE-YAC’s first year, you raised $10,000 for Arkansas Children’s Hospital.? What a success!? How did that feel?
A:? Words are important, but as hard as I try, I can’t seem to find them powerful enough to describe the depth of the feelings associated with the experience of working with Arkansas Children’s Hospital.? It was life changing to directly meet some of the incredibly strong kids at ACH.? So many of the incredibly strong kids at ACH.? So many of their daily battles are unimaginable to most of us.? Yet, they are so brave and we saw hope and joy in their eyes.? KYE-YAC helped fund Camp WannaPlay, an area at the hospital where the kids are able to go and take some time to escape the pain and fear they and their families must face each day.
Q:? What motivates you to work so hard for others?
A:? There’s no other option. It just makes sense.
Click here to read the full Philanthropy Issue of Inviting Arkansas