The dedication of the Kye Masino Family Resource Library will take place at 2 p.m. April 5 at the Genetics Clinic in the Freeway Medical Center in Little Rock. The Kye Masino/ KYE-YAC International Family Library will supply books and…
Congratulations to Kye Masino, founder of KYE-YAC, for winning third place in C-SPAN’s Nation-Wide StudentCam competition!! Kye will receive $750 for his documentary ?Government Waste,? about the wasteful spending of taxpayer money and the federal deficit.? He plans to donate…
KYE-YAC sponsored the Hot Springs Sister City Reception at Gallery Central Thursday, March 7, 2013. Hearing from student delegates about their past experiences when visiting Hanamaki proved to be both eye opening and educational. The sister city relationship between Hot…
As part of the Hot Springs Family YMCA Yoga Yurt and Wellness Garden Project, KYE-YAC donated the Welcome Statue to help create the space and designate it as a place of quiet contemplation. The Welcome Statue was unveiled Saturday March…